Prva slovenska božična pesem. / The first slovenian christmas song.


6. decembra smo imeli vsi učenci šole tehnični dan. Izdelovali smo razne okraske, na primer snežake, snežinke, božičke, voščilnice in podobno. Z njimi bomo okrasili šolo. Izdelali pa smo tudi veliko izdelkov, ki jih prodajamo na božičnem sejmu 19. decembra.
In kako naši učenci praznujejo veseli december? Najprej bodo pisali božičku, nekateri pa so že. Prosili so ga za razne igrice in igrače. Pisma bodo nastavili na okensko polico. Okrasili bodo smrečico, pod njo pa pričakovali darila. Učenci izdelujejo tudi voščilnice, v katere napišejo prijazna voščila in jih pošljejo sorodnikom in prijateljem. V teh voščilih ponavadi zaželimo prijateljem vesel božič in srečno novo leto. Za ta čas je značilno tudi nakupovanje daril in raznih okraskov za naš dom. Doma ponavadi tudi lepo diši, saj babice in mame pečejo razna peciva, piškote in pripravljajo kosila za božični dan. Značilne so potice, drobno pecivo, za kosilo pa piščanec ali puran s prilogami in božično torto. Na božični večer se vsa družina zbere okoli božičnega drevesa. Nato se obdarujemo in prepevamo značilne božične pesmi. Ob polnoči se odpravimo še v cerkev na polnočnico.

Ali ste vedeli:
  • Da so ljudje advent nekoč preživljali z velikim spoštovanjem; tako v času adventa ni bilo veselic, zabav in plesov
  • Da je prva smrečica pri Slovencih zažarela leta 1845 v družini gostilničarja P. Luelsdorfa v Ljubljani.
  • Da je najstarejša slovenska božična pesem Eno dete je rojeno, ki je nastala v 15. stoletju.
  • Da so prve jaslice v Sloveniji postavili jezuiti v Ljubljani leta 1664.
  • Da se praznovanje božiča začne po polnoči v noči s 24. na 25. december.
  • Da je v legendah zapisano, da se na božični večer voda spremeni v vino, srebro v zlato in da živali v tej noči govorijo.
  • Da je posebnost božiča tudi božični kruh?V njem so združene vsaj tri različne vrste kruha,pšenični,rženi in ajdov. Ta kruh ima magične lastnosti in prinaša ljudem in živini zdravje, moč in energijo.


All the pupils at our school had a technical day on 6 December and we were making all kinds of decorations. Among them were snowmen, Santa Claus, snowflakes, Christmas gloves, etc., which will decorate and bring the Christmas spirit to our school. On 19 December we had a traditional Christmas market and on this day we sell our beautiful school-made products.
And how do our pupils celebrate Christmas and Happy December? According to the questionnaire we made, they write a letter to Santa Claus, and some have already done that. They mostly ask him to bring some games and toys when they put the wish letter on the window shelf. After that they decorate the Christmas tree and expect the present below it, when the Christmas time begins. At school we made also Christmas socks, in which we put some nice Christmas wishes and then they will be sent to our loved ones. This time is also known due to the shopping spree and nice decorations for our homes, which normally smell extremely delicious, because our grandmas and mums bake biscuits, cookies and cakes. For Christmas lunch we usually have chicken or turkey with different side dishes and last but not least a Christmas cake. On Christmas evening the family sits together, singing ear catching Christmas songs and exchanging presents by the Christmas tree. At midnight we go to the church to attend the midnight mass.

Did you know that:
  • in the past people celebrated advent time in the greatest respect, therefore there were no festive and dancing parties?
  • the first Christmas tree in Slovenia began to glow in the year 1845 in the house of the innkeeper P. Luesdorf in Ljubljana?
  • 'Eno dete je rojeno' ('The child is born') is the oldest Slovene Christmas carol originated from the 15th century?
  • the first Christ child's crib was set by the Jesuits in Ljubljana in the year 1664?
  • The celebration of Christmas begins after midnight in the evening on 24 to 25 December?
  • It is written in urban legends, that at Christmas Eve water turns into wine, silver into gold and animals get the ability to speak?
  • the specialty of Christmas is Christmas bread? It consists of three different kinds of bread; wheat, rye and buckwheat bread. It has got magical touch and brings health, strength and energy to people and livestock.