Kako živimo?
V sodobnih hišah je dvorišče okrog hiše, vrta pa te hiše nimajo, saj zelenjavo kupimo. Tudi vrvice za obešanje perila ni več, saj sušimo perilo v sušilnem stroju. Na kmetiji so za hišo še vedno polja. Rože in sadno drevje še sadimo okoli hiše. V hiši v kuhinji še imamo mizo, stole in klop, zaboj za drva ter peč pa več nista potrebna, saj ponavadi kurimo drugače. Shrambe več ni, saj vse shranimo v klet in hladilnik. Tudi kuhinja ni več glavni prostor, ampak je glavni prostor dnevna soba. Imamo še vedno starševsko spalnico. Ponavadi zaboj za staro šaro shranimo drugam. Včasih imajo otroci, če jih je več, eno sobo, lahko pa vsak otrok svojo. Zdaj tudi fantje spijo v svojih posteljah in ne na hlevu v senu. Na fotografijah lahko vidite tipično mladinsko sobo. |
How do we live?
Around contemporary houses there is always a yard present. However, we don't have a garden, because we buy food in markets and shops. We usually don't have clothesline for hanging up wet clothes, because we dry clothes in a drying machine. Behind farms we can still spot some fields. We normally plant flowers and trees around our houses. In the kitchen we often have table, chairs and small bench, but we don't need a case for firewood and oven, because we keep our house warm in other ways. We don't need a larder, because we keep our food in fridge and cellar. The main room is no longer the kitchen, but the living room. We still have parent's bedroom. We usually save cases for old things somewhere else. Sometimes children, if there are more of them, share the same bedroom, but they can have their own bedroom, too. Nowadays, the boys sleep in their own beds and not in a stable on hay. Snapshots show typical teen room. |