Pletarstvo (Rene Reher, 5. c) Obiskali smo gospoda Ludvika, ki se s pletenjem košar ukvarja že dolgih 60let. Pletenja ga je naučil njegov oče. Za izdelavo pa potrebuje panovec ali vrbo. Razlikujeta se po barvi in sicer panovec je rumene barve, vrba pa zelene. Najprej štiri veje zareže na polovici, skozi luknjo da štiri tanjše veje in z vejami začne prepletati dno oziroma križ. Ko je to končano vanj potisne dvaintrideset viter in jih prepleta s tanjšimi vejami. Ko je končano se naredi še rob in ročaj. PRIPOMOČKI - škarje - nož MATERIAL - vrba - panovec POSEBNOSTI - naučil ga je oče - v letu naredi 200 košar - pletarstvo se prenaša iz roda v rod - gospod Ludvik z veseljem pokaže kako se pletejo košare - on plete že od njegovega desetega leta (Marko Bezjak) |
Wickerwork (Rene Reher, 5. c) We paid a visit to Mr. Ludvik, who occupies himself with basketry for over 60 years. His father taught him how to make baskets from willow or panovec tree. They differ from each other in colour (panovec – yellow; willow- green). The procedure is following: first he cuts the branches on the half and through the hole puts thinner branches to make the bottom or cross. When this is completed he pushes 32 wickers and starts knitting with thinner branches. When this os finished he finalizes the basket with the edge and a handle. You need: - scissors - knife Material: - willow - panovec Particularities: - he was taught by his father - he makes 200 baskets per year - wickerwork is carried from generation to generation - he began making baskets at the age 10 (Marko Bezjak) |